Wailua River

Mortgage Appraisals and More

From square footage to the state of repair, design style to storage, many factors go into appraising a home or other property. Providing trusted residential estate appraisal in Kalaheo, Kauai County, and the entire island of Kauai, HI, and beyond, Appraisal Services Kauai helps ensure buyers don’t overpay for properties and keeps sellers from relinquishing a dwelling for less than its worth. Whether you need a traditional mortgage appraisal, estate planning appraisal, or divorce settlement, our team has the knowledge and expertise for the job.
Need to schedule a real estate appraisal on the island? Call us today at 808-332-8100 or schedule your appointment online with Katherine Lewi Otsuji (aka Katherine A Lewi).

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